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Committed to our planet

We are transparent regarding Greenwashing

Why being sustainable is important

Since our inception we have believed in eco-design as the key strategy when designing our products, and therefore we are certified under the ISO 14006 eco-design standard.

Our drive for continuous improvement and our commitment to the environment translates into the use of increasingly sustainable materials, as well as reducing our corporate footprint and the impact of our products throughout their life cycle.

We firmly believe in the long-term benefits of the ecological transition on the company’s profitability, as well as on society as a whole. Therefore, in order to continue improving, we rely on institutions of renowned prestige that certify our progress and/or help us to achieve them.

memoria sostenibilidad absotec

Absotec's Environmental Commitment (summary)


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Respect for the environment and sustainability is integrated into

Absotec’s business processes and is part of the management systems.


We want to ensure a clear link between the strategic management of our company and

its growth in financial, environmental, human and social terms.

ISO 9001 certificate

This recognition endorses our way of designing, manufacturing and installing sound-absorbing solutions with the highest quality standards.

UNE 166002 certificate

We actively participate in various R&D&I projects related to the digitalization and environmental improvement of our products; a fact that is highlighted under the UNE 166002 certification for R&D&I Management.

ISO 14006 certificate

This certification is a recognition of our way of designing and manufacturing healthy and environmentally friendly acoustic products.

Friendly Materials seal

Our main ranges of sound absorbing equipment have gold and silver recognition for the benefits they have on people’s health.

Innovative SME seal

Recognition granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation to small and medium-sized companies with a strong innovative character

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)

Our tinted and upholstered panel ranges have EPD’s, with information of all their life cycles, and verified by AENOR.

We use healthy and sustainable materials

Friendly Materials

We support health, transparency and corporate social responsibility, redesigning our solutions and evaluating them through independent companies.

Friendly Materials® is an analytical method, developed by PMMT Forward Thinking Architecture, that allows to objectively evaluate and compare how building materials affect the health of interior spaces and, consequently, the health of their occupants.

This evaluation takes into account the content of harmful substances on the FM® Alert List, chemical composition, certificates and labels, VOC content, action against bacteria, toxicity in case of fire and resistance to physical and chemical agents; to produce the Friendly Materials® product sheets and medals.

We are transparent

From Absotec we want to bring transparency to the market and facilitate the decision making of our customers by providing information on the life cycle of our products through the EPD, a demanding, rigorous and voluntary certification.

Sustainability and health in buildings

We spend the majority of our time indoors, which is why, in addition to constructing sustainable buildings, it is essential to consider the factors that promote the creation of healthier and more comfortable architectures.

There are different factors that contribute to improving the health, comfort, and mood of the occupants of a space, including acoustic comfort. Through acoustic conditioning, fluid communication, speech intelligibility, and productivity are enhanced, creating quieter and healthier spaces free from noise.

Therefore, the benefits of optimal acoustics are valued by new environmental standards and certifications such as LEED, BREEAM, and WELL. Having these types of seals increases the value of the building and allows for anticipation of future requirements. Discover how we can assist you in obtaining these certifications.

Eliminate noise in a sustainable way

Tell us about your project! We are happy to collaborate with companies that share our values.